./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 gene humandb ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 knownGene humandb ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 ensGene humandb ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 band humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 tfbs humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 mce28way humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 segdup humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 mirna humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 mirnatarget humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 evofold humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 dgv humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 omimgene humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 gwascatalog humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 phastConsElements28wayPlacMammal humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg18 1000g humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg18 snp130 humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg18 avsift humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb 1000g2010 humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb 1000g2010jul humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 1000g2010nov humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -downdb -buildver hg19 1000g2011may humandb/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ./convert2annovar.pl /seppdata/sepp/linkage/release/ALL.wgs.merged_beagle_mach.20101123.snps_indels_svs.sites.vcf -format vcf4 > 1000g20101123.txt NOTICE: for SNPs, column 6 and beyond MAY BE heterozygosity status, quality score, read depth, RMS mapping quality, quality by depth, if these information can be recognized automatically NOTICE: for indels, column 6 and beyond MAY BE heterozygosity status, quality score, read depth, read count supporting indel call, RMS mapping quality, if these information can be recognized automatically NOTICE: Read 40664060 lines and wrote 0 different variants at 40664032 genomic positions (36820992 SNPs and 3843040 indels) NOTICE: Among 40664032 different variants at 40664032 positions, 0 are heterozygotes, 0 are homozygotes NOTICE: Among 36820992 SNPs, 25170172 are transitions, 11650820 are transversions ./annotate_variation.pl 1000g20101123.txt -buildver hg19 humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -dbtype tfbs -regionanno 1000g20101123.txt -buildver hg19 humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -dbtype bed -bedfile hg19_neanderthalSNPs_chr1.txt -regionanno 1000g20101123.txt -buildver hg19 humandb/ ./annotate_variation.pl -dbtype bed -bedfile hg19_neanderthalSNPs.txt -regionanno 1000g20101123.txt -buildver hg19 humandb/ mv 1000g20101123.txt.hg19_bed neanderthalSNPs.txt