library(parallel) run.edger <- function(counts, labels, normmethod="TMM",reorder=TRUE) { require(edgeR, quietly=TRUE) d <- DGEList(counts=counts, group=labels) if (normmethod != "none") d <- calcNormFactors(d, method=normmethod) d <- estimateCommonDisp(d) d <- estimateTagwiseDisp(d) et <- exactTest(d) p <- et$table$PValue adj.p <- p.adjust(p, method="BH") res <- cbind(id=rownames(et$table), et$table, adj.p, threshold=-p) rownames(res) <- NULL if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } return(list(result=res, object=d, testobject=et)) } run.deseq <- function(counts, labels,method="pooled",norm=FALSE, reorder=TRUE) { require(DESeq, quietly=TRUE) labels <- as.factor(labels) cds <- newCountDataSet(counts, labels) if (norm){ cds <- rep(1,length(labels)) } else { cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds) } cds <- tryCatch(estimateDispersions(cds,method=method), error=function(e) estimateDispersions(cds, fitType="local")) res <- nbinomTest(cds, levels(labels)[1], levels(labels)[2]) colnames(res)[colnames(res) == "padj"] <- "adj.p" colnames(res)[colnames(res) == "log2FoldChange"] <- "logFC" res <- cbind(res, threshold=-res$pval) if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } return(list(result=res, object=cds)) } run.bayseq <- function(counts, labels, ncores=1, normmethod="quantile", reorder=TRUE) { require(baySeq, quietly=TRUE) require(parallel, quietly=TRUE) cl <- NULL if (ncores > 1) { cl <- makeForkCluster(nnodes=ncores) print(cl) } groups=list(nde=rep(1, ncol(counts)), de=as.numeric(as.factor(labels))) cd <- new("countData", data = counts, replicates = labels, groups = groups) if (normmethod=="none"){ cd@libsizes <- rep(1,ncol(counts)) } else { cd@libsizes <- getLibsizes(cd, estimationType=normmethod) } cd <- getPriors.NB(cd, samplesize = 1e5, estimation = "QL", cl = cl) cd <- getLikelihoods.NB(cd, pET = 'BIC', cl = cl) t <- topCounts(cd, number=nrow(counts), group = "de") colnames(t)[colnames(t) == "FDR"] <- "adj.p" res <- cbind(id=rownames(t), t, threshold=t$Likelihood) rownames(res) <- NULL if (ncores > 1) stopCluster(cl) if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } return(list(result=res, object=cd)) } run.noiseq <- function(counts, labels, normmethod="tmm",reorder=TRUE) { if (!file.exists("noiseq.r")) system("wget -O noiseq.r") source("noiseq.r") d1 <- as.matrix(counts[, labels == levels(labels)[1]]) d2 <- as.matrix(counts[, labels == levels(labels)[2]]) res <- noiseq(d1, d2, repl = "bio", k = 0.5, norm = normmethod, long = 1000, q = 0.8, nss = 0, lc = 1) p <- sort(res$probab, decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE) fdr <- cumsum(1 - p)/1:length(p) res <- data.frame(id=names(p), adj.p = fdr, threshold=p) if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } return(list(result=res)) } run.degseq <- function(counts, labels, outputprefix="degseqtmp",reorder=TRUE) { suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressWarnings(library(tcltk))) require(DEGseq, quietly=TRUE) dir <- tempfile(pattern=paste(outputprefix)) m1 <- cbind(rownames(counts), counts[, labels == levels(labels)[1]]) m2 <- cbind(rownames(counts), counts[, labels == levels(labels)[2]]) DEGexp(method="MARS", outputDir=dir, geneExpMatrix1=m1, geneCol1=1, expCol1=2:ncol(m1), groupLabel1=levels(labels)[1], geneExpMatrix2=m2, geneCol2=1, expCol2=2:ncol(m2), groupLabel2=levels(labels)[2]) res <- read.table(paste(dir, "output_score.txt", sep="/"), header=TRUE) unlink(dir, recursive=TRUE) colnames(res)[1] <- "id" colnames(res)[4] <- "logFC.unnorm" colnames(res)[5] <- "logFC" colnames(res)[8] <- "adj.p" colnames(res)[9] <- "adj.p2" colnames(res)[10] <- "" res <- cbind(res, threshold=-log(res$p.value)) if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } return(list(result=res)) } run.samseq <- function(counts, labels,reorder=TRUE) { library(samr, quietly=TRUE) x <- SAMseq(counts, labels, geneid=rownames(counts), resp.type="Two class unpaired", fdr.output=1.0) ss <- rbind(x$siggenes.table$genes.up, x$siggenes.table$genes.lo) res <- data.frame(id=ss[, 2], foldchange=as.numeric(ss[, 4]), q=as.numeric(ss[, 5])) res <- cbind(res, threshold=-res$q) = setdiff(rownames(counts), ss[, "Gene Name"]) res <- rbind(res, data.frame(, foldchange=0, q=max(res$q), threshold = 1-max(res$q))) res$id <- as.character(res$id) if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } colnames(res)[colnames(res) == "q"] <- "adj.p" res$adj.p <- res$adj.p / 100 return(list(result=res, object=x)) } run.mixnb <- function(counts, labels=NULL, ncores=1,reorder=TRUE, ...) { library(mixnb) object <- mixNB.parallel(counts, labels=labels, ...) if (is.null(labels) | missing("labels")){ cat("Returning INI.\n") res <- data.frame(id=rownames(object$X), threshold=object$INI) } else{ cat("Returning pval.\n") res <- data.frame(id=rownames(object$X), threshold=-object$pval, adj.p=object$pval) } if (reorder){ res <- res[order(res$id), ] message("Reordering genes!!!") } res <- res[order(res$id), ] return (list(result=res, object=object)) } run.dss <- function(counts, labels, normmethod="quantile",reorder=TRUE) { require(DSS, quietly=TRUE) idx <- which(rowSums(counts)>=1) X <- counts[idx, ] colnames(X) <- NULL d <- newSeqCountSet(X, as.numeric(labels)-1) if (normmethod != "none") d <- estNormFactors(d, method=normmethod) d <- estDispersion(d) object <- waldTest(d, 0, 1) id <- rownames(counts) threshold <- rep(0,nrow(counts)) threshold[idx] <- abs(object$stats)[order(object$geneIndex)] res <- data.frame(id=id, threshold=threshold,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) if (reorder) res <- res[order(res$id), ] return(list(result=res,object=object)) } run.poissonseq <- function(counts,labels,normmethod="default", type="twoclass",reorder=TRUE){ library(PoissonSeq) if (is.null(rownames(counts))){ stop("Rownames of object \"counts\" must be set and unique!") } input <- list(n=counts,y=as.numeric(labels),pair=FALSE,type="twoclass", gname=rownames(counts)) tmp <- tempfile(pattern="poissonseq-pow") para <- list(trans=FALSE,npermu=100,seed=10,ct.sum=5,ct.mean=0.5,div=10,pow.file=tmp) if (normmethod=="default") para$trans=TRUE obj <- PS.Main(input,para) pval <- rep(1,nrow(counts)) names(pval) <- rownames(counts) pval[as.character(obj$gname)] <- as.numeric(obj$pval) res <- data.frame(id=rownames(counts), threshold=-log(pval)) if (reorder) res <- res[order(res$id), ] return(list(result=res,object=obj)) } <- function(counts, labels) { library(DESeq, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) design <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(counts), condition = labels) cds <- newCountDataSet(counts, design) cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds) cds <- estimateDispersions(cds, method="pooled-CR") fit1 <- fitNbinomGLMs(cds, count ~ condition) fit0 <- fitNbinomGLMs(cds, count ~ 1) pval <- nbinomGLMTest(fit1, fit0) res <- data.frame(id=rownames(fit1), threshold=-pval) return(list(result=res, object=cds, testobject=fit1)) } <- function(counts, labels, normmethod="none") { library(edgeR, quietly=TRUE) design <- model.matrix(~labels) d <- DGEList(counts=counts) if (normmethod != "none") d <- calcNormFactors(d, method=normmethod) d <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(d, design) d <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(d,design) d <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(d, design) fit <- glmFit(d,design) lrt <- glmLRT(fit,coef=2:3) p <- lrt$table$PValue res <- data.frame(id=rownames(lrt$table), threshold=as.numeric(-p)) rownames(res) <- NULL return(list(result=res, object=d, testobject=lrt)) } <- function(counts, labels, normmethod="quantiles") { library(baySeq, quietly=TRUE) library(stringr) cl <- NULL labels <- as.numeric(as.factor(labels)) groups=list(nde=rep(1, ncol(counts)), deAll=labels) for (i in unique(labels)) { tmp <- rep(1, length(labels)) tmp[labels == i] <- 2 n <- str_c("DE", i) groups[[n]] <- tmp } cd <- new("countData", data=counts, replicates=labels, groups=groups) if (normmethod=="none"){ cd@libsizes <- rep(1,ncol(counts)) } else { cd@libsizes <- getLibsizes(cd, estimationType=normmethod) } cd <- getPriors.NB(cd, samplesize = 1000, estimation = "QL", cl = cl) cd <- getLikelihoods.NB(cd, pET = 'BIC', cl = cl) t <- topCounts(cd, number=nrow(counts), group = "nde") res <- data.frame(id=rownames(t), threshold=as.numeric(-t$Likelihood)) rownames(res) <- NULL return(list(result=res, object=cd, testobject=t)) } <- function(counts, labels) { library(samr, quietly=TRUE) x <- SAMseq(counts, labels, geneid=1:nrow(counts), genenames=rownames(counts), resp.type="Multiclass", fdr.output=1.0) ss <- rbind(x$siggenes.table$genes.up, x$siggenes.table$genes.lo) res <- data.frame(id=ss[, 1], threshold=-as.numeric(ss[, 7])/100.0) = setdiff(rownames(counts), ss[, "Gene ID"]) if (length( > 0) res <- rbind(res, data.frame(, threshold = min(res$threshold))) return(list(result=res, object=x)) } ########## Dexus result to heatmap ######################################### dexus2heatmap <- function(res, n=10, start=1, color="grey", cexSamples=0.5,cexGenes=1,getGeneSymbols=FALSE, newColNames=NULL,version=61,type="crosses",cexCrosses=2){ library(RColorBrewer) idx <- order(res$INI,decreasing=TRUE)[(n+start-1):start] X <- log(res$X.norm[idx, ,drop=FALSE]+0.01) if (!is.null(newColNames)){ colnames(X) <- newColNames } if (getGeneSymbols){ rownames(X) <- getGeneSymbols(rownames(X),version=version) } m <- ncol(X) n <- nrow(X) resp <- t(res$resp[idx, ,drop=FALSE]) X <- t(X) par(oma=c(1,6,0,0)) rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkblue"),space = "rgb") image(X,xaxt="n",yaxt="n",col = rgb.palette(100)) if (n==1){ ia <- 1 yy <- c(-1,1) } else { ia <- 1/(n-1) yy <- seq(-ia/2,1+ia/2,ia) } ib <- 1/(m-1) xx <- seq(-ib/2,1+ib/2,ib) for (j in 1:n){ for (i in 1:m){ if (type=="innerboxes"){ if (resp[i,j]!=1){ rect(xleft=xx[i]+ib/15,xright=xx[i+1]-ib/15,ybottom=yy[j]+ia/15,ytop=yy[j+1]-ia/15, lwd=5,border="red") } } else if (type=="boxes"){ if (resp[i,j]!=1){ rect(xleft=xx[i],xright=xx[i+1],ybottom=yy[j],ytop=yy[j+1], lwd=2,border="red") } } else { if (resp[i,j]!=1){ points(x=(xx[i]+xx[i+1])/2,y=(yy[j]+yy[j+1])/2,pch=4,col="red",lwd=3,cex=cexCrosses) } } } } axis(1,at=seq(0,1,ib),labels=rownames(X),las=2,cex.axis=cexSamples) if (n==1){ axis(2,at=0,labels=colnames(X),las=2,cex.axis=cexGenes) } else { axis(2,at=seq(0,1,ia),labels=colnames(X),las=2,cex.axis=cexGenes) } }