Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 1 row indices for layer 1 with mu + alpha values 1 2 5.59355 1 75 5.47431 1 87 6.82564 1 93 -8.15144 1 101 -6.50675 1 108 -5.19546 1 114 1.44527 1 161 6.70994 1 195 5.18264 1 203 -6.80132 1 248 6.6161 1 252 7.09038 1 255 8.11024 1 263 -9.4876 1 281 -6.9329 1 323 7.924 1 348 -1.26385 1 363 9.29054 1 371 1.65961 1 379 4.31217 1 381 -8.9868 1 401 -6.44609 1 438 -5.97112 1 443 -6.12068 1 508 5.8813 1 520 9.02501 1 609 -6.19578 1 636 -10.928 1 654 -4.69914 1 675 -6.03977 1 687 6.09592 1 719 7.34809 1 748 5.12422 1 758 6.43439 1 775 6.61077 1 827 -6.35585 1 838 5.182 1 870 -0.394051 1 909 5.81109 1 919 -5.59586 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 1 col indices for layer 1 with mu + beta values 1 2 -0.871298 1 3 4.22061 1 7 -4.17684 1 21 -4.8825 1 30 -1.9704 1 33 5.8989 1 35 -6.41932 1 37 -0.765849 1 44 8.80267 1 45 7.37456 1 58 0.789936 1 62 -6.71244 1 69 4.87603 1 71 -4.23178 1 75 7.08381 1 82 5.57259 1 83 2.89951 1 86 3.23964 1 90 -5.24276 1 99 -4.64771 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 2 row indices for layer 2 with mu + alpha values 2 25 7.00995 2 28 6.39209 2 94 6.22674 2 103 4.53453 2 166 7.97616 2 168 6.0005 2 202 6.91803 2 239 -7.41369 2 271 -8.52412 2 278 -6.15011 2 310 -6.68793 2 314 -7.00257 2 317 5.42528 2 364 -7.12975 2 375 -7.50337 2 400 -6.09154 2 405 5.3172 2 422 7.21577 2 432 10.3836 2 436 5.58426 2 463 4.37178 2 471 10.5825 2 485 -6.71236 2 538 6.26762 2 574 5.04814 2 616 -6.16355 2 642 -8.0185 2 656 4.68381 2 756 5.42452 2 801 -7.92754 2 853 6.1258 2 870 -4.87056 2 875 -6.12928 2 903 6.24672 2 920 7.61739 2 986 4.85309 2 988 6.00419 2 996 7.75284 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 2 col indices for layer 2 with mu + beta values 2 7 5.21822 2 9 -3.98492 2 21 7.19144 2 30 7.30283 2 35 2.598 2 37 4.71612 2 39 -4.23769 2 58 2.53818 2 62 5.60361 2 66 -1.70034 2 71 4.90196 2 83 -3.79098 2 84 -1.89881 2 85 -3.88472 2 86 -3.20244 2 88 -2.907 2 90 6.7032 2 99 6.13539 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 3 row indices for layer 3 with mu + alpha values 3 33 -9.31602 3 56 -4.06299 3 92 4.16073 3 105 -9.22771 3 110 4.70827 3 163 -5.51803 3 215 -1.45827 3 219 8.1248 3 253 5.37934 3 268 -1.83097 3 303 -7.24058 3 319 -2.94045 3 345 -8.7734 3 376 -7.38267 3 409 -7.02685 3 417 -5.72034 3 445 -4.97986 3 513 -5.64414 3 520 -2.16379 3 544 -8.72561 3 561 -7.57888 3 644 6.04051 3 645 -5.17943 3 660 -3.18492 3 674 -2.5444 3 682 -2.96821 3 693 -6.90285 3 737 -4.54153 3 798 5.90066 3 860 -8.38199 3 874 -5.12527 3 875 -8.68362 3 926 -7.50036 3 964 -11.1637 3 972 -6.61172 3 993 -6.8699 3 996 -6.74193 3 999 -3.10625 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 3 col indices for layer 3 with mu + beta values 3 3 -6.33095 3 14 2.28057 3 27 3.453 3 29 1.70746 3 30 -4.50711 3 33 -7.6547 3 38 0.309798 3 44 -10.3804 3 45 -11.6908 3 58 -7.08939 3 59 4.84555 3 62 3.35791 3 69 -7.87542 3 75 -9.64459 3 82 -8.94064 3 83 -4.03689 3 86 -6.90347 3 93 -4.21781 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 4 row indices for layer 4 with mu + alpha values 4 36 0.172868 4 46 6.78104 4 47 9.20651 4 84 -0.657202 4 119 -8.0414 4 146 0.867168 4 174 3.29473 4 175 7.68139 4 197 -5.1789 4 198 -6.18447 4 321 -7.82496 4 339 -7.39685 4 350 -7.1674 4 353 -7.65988 4 415 -5.90793 4 442 -5.79017 4 479 -8.6779 4 521 -6.4447 4 545 -9.61564 4 547 -6.14774 4 548 -5.47218 4 588 -6.67636 4 612 -5.42717 4 632 -4.92654 4 657 -7.95804 4 679 -4.65395 4 716 -5.78241 4 773 -5.25633 4 802 -5.69445 4 814 -5.6477 4 822 -5.63929 4 863 -5.46359 4 870 -6.53361 4 925 -8.69441 4 954 -5.55393 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 4 col indices for layer 4 with mu + beta values 4 6 -5.91105 4 14 -8.18554 4 27 -12.2922 4 29 -8.01688 4 35 0.383147 4 38 -7.53499 4 39 1.06704 4 58 2.33971 4 59 -12.6438 4 62 -10.3852 4 83 0.68001 4 85 1.54691 4 88 1.72637 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 5 row indices for layer 5 with mu + alpha values 5 9 -6.20413 5 74 3.79089 5 96 -5.83848 5 137 2.80757 5 176 -3.26719 5 250 -6.44071 5 259 -5.19888 5 283 -6.31396 5 360 0.900026 5 454 3.07902 5 482 -5.84261 5 500 -5.38651 5 506 -3.2526 5 520 8.07015 5 554 3.13691 5 589 -4.26005 5 658 -5.24212 5 669 2.01553 5 695 5.30376 5 698 -6.40111 5 705 -6.6024 5 772 -5.52577 5 800 2.92042 5 836 -2.96335 5 887 -6.528 5 894 -7.06095 5 931 -5.54367 5 939 -3.64267 5 948 -0.0118414 5 986 3.46711 5 998 -5.27003 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 5 col indices for layer 5 with mu + beta values 5 2 -3.54766 5 6 3.35434 5 7 -7.07383 5 21 -5.76129 5 26 -4.13187 5 27 3.9619 5 30 -5.4944 5 35 -4.91762 5 37 -4.217 5 47 1.30735 5 52 0.707084 5 58 -6.59315 5 59 7.54968 5 62 0.143579 5 71 -6.12886 5 75 0.0222657 5 90 -6.08873 5 99 -4.49507 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 6 row indices for layer 6 with mu + alpha values 6 21 3.51665 6 47 4.04408 6 56 3.25111 6 100 3.11293 6 249 5.08731 6 251 -3.81166 6 253 2.55106 6 260 6.60893 6 318 5.46971 6 322 4.52195 6 344 -3.9702 6 350 -3.8821 6 374 3.74115 6 393 -3.83751 6 403 -3.79979 6 471 3.43112 6 532 -5.34495 6 557 6.41649 6 573 5.31698 6 660 4.89831 6 686 4.33214 6 689 5.60035 6 739 4.72536 6 751 -4.93937 6 753 -3.74785 6 825 -5.31804 6 846 4.85806 6 935 4.74763 6 944 4.9817 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 6 col indices for layer 6 with mu + beta values 6 4 -4.84517 6 6 -3.46863 6 7 -3.19625 6 9 8.05759 6 11 -4.24618 6 13 3.90761 6 18 5.04546 6 24 -5.14882 6 32 -2.54907 6 35 7.58453 6 39 3.65429 6 54 -2.57904 6 58 5.55961 6 63 -3.25304 6 64 3.4838 6 66 5.88025 6 68 -3.39209 6 71 3.59463 6 83 6.93844 6 84 5.20926 6 85 5.46298 6 86 5.75891 6 88 4.22766 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 7 row indices for layer 7 with mu + alpha values 7 6 1.84498 7 61 2.12459 7 66 -4.82199 7 71 -5.84898 7 136 -8.05656 7 211 -1.99655 7 223 -6.86337 7 236 -7.68285 7 268 -3.32215 7 324 4.64438 7 333 4.24494 7 349 -7.3716 7 354 -6.82969 7 430 -2.88128 7 458 -5.27518 7 497 -6.1315 7 543 -4.62187 7 546 -5.6359 7 558 -7.00028 7 606 -0.0942594 7 730 -5.11461 7 743 -4.56282 7 778 -6.99105 7 789 -5.09938 7 843 -7.25028 7 894 -6.71792 7 908 10.3531 7 914 -5.16991 7 918 4.24219 7 925 -5.65374 7 937 2.72624 7 962 -6.34837 7 967 3.52422 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 7 col indices for layer 7 with mu + beta values 7 4 -1.33895 7 6 -7.44884 7 26 -5.25662 7 27 2.772 7 31 -4.64352 7 38 1.76879 7 42 -5.96051 7 47 -6.8228 7 52 -6.76093 7 59 4.0384 7 62 4.08106 7 70 -3.42822 7 75 -6.18433 7 88 -5.70373 7 90 -5.07495 7 92 -4.28535 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 8 row indices for layer 8 with mu + alpha values 8 28 3.96061 8 73 5.83588 8 202 2.01893 8 219 5.15226 8 240 4.18863 8 288 -6.03856 8 297 5.50218 8 312 3.79752 8 329 3.84847 8 332 3.70693 8 334 -4.09223 8 351 5.14443 8 372 4.56136 8 390 -2.98867 8 400 -4.92306 8 402 5.69547 8 514 4.41683 8 520 6.03843 8 570 -5.93949 8 578 5.18161 8 620 3.85843 8 695 7.64185 8 719 6.13091 8 725 4.76287 8 748 5.36244 8 785 3.36314 8 862 4.5516 8 869 5.75091 8 877 5.54641 8 879 4.78568 8 885 2.70966 8 939 -4.30322 8 947 4.45705 8 970 3.58253 8 994 2.74217 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 8 col indices for layer 8 with mu + beta values 8 4 -0.279342 8 6 7.65434 8 7 -0.506729 8 11 0.679449 8 24 0.0743785 8 26 4.75889 8 31 4.70868 8 32 0.375801 8 37 0.762799 8 39 0.799825 8 42 6.34299 8 47 6.00694 8 52 6.47909 8 54 1.63649 8 63 -0.285473 8 68 1.7951 8 75 6.43095 8 88 7.05081 8 90 3.9691 8 92 4.94231 8 95 0.209556 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 9 row indices for layer 9 with mu + alpha values 9 19 -0.563268 9 45 4.4693 9 58 3.79325 9 62 6.24617 9 81 3.1793 9 107 -2.23493 9 111 4.33963 9 119 -3.31867 9 130 -3.48203 9 141 -3.8709 9 222 4.65038 9 245 -3.45368 9 270 3.21099 9 341 5.55161 9 369 4.52264 9 371 -0.0465708 9 452 5.77511 9 455 5.90302 9 548 4.62761 9 576 4.67723 9 643 3.20937 9 673 -4.27692 9 679 3.99566 9 710 -4.25742 9 776 4.02399 9 793 4.31162 9 803 -3.36067 9 845 -2.04161 9 872 3.71287 9 877 -3.57687 9 915 3.8396 9 982 4.64503 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 9 col indices for layer 9 with mu + beta values 9 3 3.94243 9 21 -2.57245 9 30 -0.233742 9 33 5.51105 9 35 -2.87446 9 36 -3.24429 9 37 0.736738 9 44 7.06209 9 45 7.09647 9 58 3.06707 9 62 -3.49072 9 69 4.85834 9 71 -2.23504 9 75 5.74815 9 82 6.4889 9 83 5.96936 9 86 4.98889 9 90 -5.24291 9 99 -3.39415 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 10 row indices for layer 10 with mu + alpha values 10 7 5.34286 10 187 4.45448 10 221 -3.72161 10 225 -4.48103 10 284 5.27157 10 336 5.18977 10 357 4.49843 10 358 6.35283 10 360 1.18119 10 365 5.15346 10 366 3.86365 10 403 4.53183 10 421 5.23758 10 423 4.79843 10 452 4.92926 10 454 4.25516 10 478 5.99057 10 541 3.43678 10 607 2.92947 10 608 -4.11886 10 636 -2.03937 10 667 5.05661 10 705 4.30669 10 731 5.37726 10 755 4.84449 10 892 3.77923 10 902 4.1914 10 939 -2.39385 10 942 5.74796 10 948 4.07537 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 10 col indices for layer 10 with mu + beta values 10 1 3.84033 10 9 -0.948142 10 14 7.9125 10 27 8.99722 10 29 6.01217 10 38 5.28022 10 58 -2.77494 10 59 7.43952 10 62 8.68334 10 83 -0.782622 10 84 -2.28174 10 86 -2.16123 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 11 row indices for layer 11 with mu + alpha values 11 4 -5.13521 11 90 -3.0794 11 104 4.14406 11 105 -3.36918 11 110 3.73561 11 115 1.91561 11 131 -1.86347 11 144 -4.77379 11 262 6.21397 11 272 -4.28004 11 278 0.929698 11 286 -4.35516 11 293 5.04078 11 297 -0.963507 11 315 -5.95324 11 383 0.243065 11 401 -5.54285 11 431 -5.27756 11 437 -4.66675 11 514 -4.07935 11 516 -4.56392 11 520 -4.21377 11 538 -5.79881 11 544 -3.79037 11 551 -5.74304 11 584 -5.69764 11 604 -4.15027 11 613 -5.82199 11 640 3.98002 11 665 -5.28253 11 691 -7.57523 11 714 -5.84252 11 723 -6.01615 11 780 7.79873 11 783 -4.18938 11 875 -4.27572 11 884 -5.19644 11 907 5.40082 11 973 -4.93014 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 11 col indices for layer 11 with mu + beta values 11 1 -4.02264 11 12 2.24086 11 14 -6.17096 11 27 -7.7733 11 29 -5.61247 11 36 5.21811 11 38 -4.06957 11 58 1.54087 11 59 -9.73216 11 62 -7.33241 11 84 2.76769 11 90 3.09211 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 12 row indices for layer 12 with mu + alpha values 12 29 5.4701 12 72 2.99019 12 74 4.33175 12 104 5.5701 12 184 3.71149 12 204 2.811 12 207 4.37372 12 219 3.13255 12 245 -0.679439 12 265 2.33817 12 362 5.89697 12 387 -0.504994 12 398 6.65296 12 445 -1.17345 12 460 -3.78864 12 476 2.32342 12 491 -2.36685 12 495 -0.232212 12 517 -1.14291 12 527 4.77805 12 537 -3.20074 12 568 -1.67468 12 642 -2.66513 12 695 1.87715 12 725 2.4865 12 734 4.87876 12 851 5.03282 12 855 -0.794113 12 858 -2.78664 12 869 3.62483 12 878 -0.874051 12 956 -2.37887 12 984 6.49254 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 12 col indices for layer 12 with mu + beta values 12 4 5.64311 12 6 3.76568 12 7 2.46833 12 11 4.2781 12 12 -2.06694 12 24 4.96184 12 28 2.78526 12 32 4.33965 12 36 -5.53651 12 37 3.49071 12 39 3.79046 12 58 -2.81526 12 59 -2.18422 12 63 3.49356 12 68 5.61732 12 74 3.10793 12 84 -5.04302 12 90 -2.90306 12 95 3.13072 12 99 2.71294 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 13 row indices for layer 13 with mu + alpha values 13 13 1.75982 13 37 2.65892 13 89 6.7958 13 103 -2.96537 13 147 2.87824 13 298 2.61706 13 363 2.10414 13 390 -5.7097 13 418 -1.22648 13 473 4.86542 13 510 2.55545 13 524 8.7459 13 555 2.78199 13 636 0.761625 13 640 2.64615 13 641 3.63803 13 645 2.93239 13 655 3.28256 13 696 4.17205 13 733 1.91832 13 759 -0.408013 13 800 -7.60859 13 815 2.14557 13 862 7.37225 13 894 -4.46721 13 906 0.9466 13 939 -4.99716 13 951 -5.7499 13 990 3.85834 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 13 col indices for layer 13 with mu + beta values 13 2 2.39157 13 4 -1.63443 13 7 4.71828 13 23 -0.981098 13 24 -0.985987 13 26 1.6353 13 35 5.99418 13 41 0.192846 13 44 -3.82669 13 45 -1.86994 13 53 -1.43569 13 58 5.11796 13 62 8.02829 13 63 -0.359823 13 71 6.40198 13 82 -2.63613 13 86 -0.697794 13 87 0.0950274 13 90 4.94801 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): exit Plaid modeling finished.