Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 1 row indices for layer 1 with mu + alpha values 1 4 9.27745 1 10 8.5599 1 46 9.02772 1 62 -13.3683 1 107 11.0531 1 108 -15.6734 1 159 9.73613 1 163 -10.6037 1 197 10.5261 1 213 8.76657 1 245 -7.61985 1 250 11.5628 1 302 -12.2379 1 334 8.83234 1 349 9.00385 1 372 9.2834 1 400 9.51487 1 431 9.58502 1 444 10.978 1 456 8.77708 1 503 8.8018 1 552 10.4689 1 556 9.98322 1 601 9.26284 1 608 10.1227 1 630 8.2278 1 653 11.4733 1 723 9.58894 1 725 -12.996 1 749 9.78707 1 763 13.5802 1 853 11.077 1 917 9.69748 1 954 9.53695 1 965 9.74137 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 1 col indices for layer 1 with mu + beta values 1 4 4.8329 1 7 6.62319 1 8 4.21068 1 9 5.40153 1 16 6.09621 1 25 5.92401 1 35 6.99058 1 43 3.69673 1 51 10.6387 1 62 9.21717 1 69 5.5098 1 75 5.63084 1 80 5.29082 1 86 6.23795 1 93 4.451 1 99 6.77227 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 2 row indices for layer 2 with mu + alpha values 2 35 5.66197 2 66 5.39976 2 81 -7.07993 2 89 6.67308 2 98 -5.581 2 101 -6.29435 2 113 -5.39481 2 118 8.93004 2 122 7.03975 2 136 9.74683 2 187 8.28666 2 232 5.59426 2 235 -4.95928 2 281 5.90117 2 288 -6.70848 2 309 6.30496 2 319 -4.37086 2 330 6.19878 2 350 5.22737 2 369 -6.74546 2 385 9.28524 2 430 6.25366 2 453 2.30941 2 479 -4.713 2 486 9.84242 2 563 -6.5051 2 636 -4.75408 2 732 -1.91098 2 742 -5.80635 2 783 -5.40429 2 811 3.5572 2 859 7.3245 2 862 6.44625 2 921 -5.67116 2 958 4.86082 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 2 col indices for layer 2 with mu + beta values 2 3 4.20537 2 4 -5.06676 2 7 -5.70715 2 9 1.89954 2 17 4.4498 2 25 -3.85576 2 28 6.19242 2 33 7.66425 2 35 -6.21938 2 37 6.63347 2 40 6.12743 2 51 -7.38047 2 62 -1.21066 2 68 6.39303 2 71 5.54456 2 73 4.91089 2 75 -2.28636 2 76 12.9097 2 84 5.17764 2 86 -4.87221 2 90 5.17135 2 93 -2.9693 2 99 -5.54749 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 3 row indices for layer 3 with mu + alpha values 3 155 2.71018 3 163 -9.24273 3 179 -5.1708 3 180 -6.80062 3 219 -9.72494 3 234 -6.42771 3 245 -9.25163 3 287 -5.29467 3 301 -5.03224 3 302 -6.09132 3 308 -9.77991 3 324 -6.62073 3 325 -10.5687 3 343 -7.50437 3 487 -7.31386 3 533 4.16782 3 585 -5.37282 3 709 -5.47282 3 744 -8.4956 3 779 -7.9001 3 797 -12.1759 3 856 1.35609 3 868 -7.32971 3 874 -12.252 3 891 -7.69372 3 937 -6.21064 3 948 -6.03532 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 3 col indices for layer 3 with mu + beta values 3 9 -8.00948 3 17 -7.19232 3 25 1.27765 3 28 -8.31663 3 33 -11.8377 3 35 1.52893 3 37 -11.8003 3 40 -10.6487 3 51 1.44973 3 62 -6.77744 3 68 -10.2243 3 71 -6.14807 3 73 -7.71955 3 76 -17.9528 3 84 -7.9799 3 86 0.344441 3 90 -7.72636 3 99 0.713601 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 4 row indices for layer 4 with mu + alpha values 4 96 7.88427 4 125 8.65313 4 184 8.86164 4 195 5.20865 4 259 11.2384 4 291 6.46986 4 302 6.64494 4 331 6.14555 4 354 7.22316 4 374 6.58194 4 382 8.12086 4 413 10.2918 4 446 6.73006 4 469 7.88278 4 571 7.11717 4 580 9.66817 4 608 8.95659 4 675 7.13138 4 688 8.19527 4 720 7.55617 4 734 0.958895 4 767 8.48836 4 803 6.74706 4 846 10.6715 4 854 7.64349 4 871 7.95295 4 873 7.72999 4 932 8.50023 4 963 7.70678 4 969 7.46901 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 4 col indices for layer 4 with mu + beta values 4 10 10.3321 4 24 14.3813 4 35 10.0726 4 40 8.7015 4 45 9.88015 4 50 9.63439 4 51 -0.00662868 4 54 5.02851 4 62 4.66764 4 79 5.81589 4 81 7.23298 4 83 6.43161 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 5 row indices for layer 5 with mu + alpha values 5 12 6.4117 5 34 -7.62337 5 57 5.91563 5 65 7.10966 5 74 6.42136 5 84 6.81614 5 130 -7.94047 5 166 -7.58909 5 182 -7.80887 5 256 7.69054 5 305 7.73515 5 310 -6.96637 5 315 -8.25539 5 383 -8.40317 5 412 6.18244 5 428 7.39876 5 432 6.98817 5 437 7.12051 5 439 7.02546 5 454 6.88349 5 474 7.83797 5 497 6.67892 5 559 7.20841 5 586 6.99758 5 613 -6.82443 5 618 -7.81836 5 625 6.43306 5 645 -6.93464 5 664 8.31724 5 672 7.50756 5 682 6.04922 5 705 -8.94331 5 759 8.28415 5 781 6.8952 5 834 7.01175 5 918 7.96371 5 943 7.00975 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 5 col indices for layer 5 with mu + beta values 5 4 2.1951 5 7 3.39982 5 8 1.51837 5 9 1.58873 5 16 2.22305 5 22 2.14452 5 25 3.5309 5 35 1.60694 5 43 1.58572 5 51 4.50971 5 62 3.99245 5 69 2.8976 5 75 2.82027 5 80 2.91638 5 86 3.82405 5 93 2.24574 5 99 2.38883 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 6 row indices for layer 6 with mu + alpha values 6 12 2.21176 6 77 -3.49968 6 81 -2.95408 6 111 4.42985 6 120 6.76078 6 125 -3.89385 6 129 5.83693 6 138 -3.85613 6 148 4.96992 6 176 4.20439 6 195 3.00728 6 204 -7.16802 6 215 -2.49557 6 282 -2.7835 6 296 3.45871 6 307 -5.12616 6 313 -4.14245 6 319 3.7196 6 361 -2.80883 6 369 -3.69469 6 409 5.11565 6 482 5.05453 6 503 4.49995 6 544 -4.7564 6 615 -2.86546 6 629 5.5234 6 681 -2.97338 6 816 -3.48869 6 832 6.76457 6 839 3.93464 6 874 1.42761 6 943 4.45259 6 950 -3.17749 6 988 5.50387 6 999 -3.49457 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 6 col indices for layer 6 with mu + beta values 6 4 3.59443 6 11 4.26964 6 12 5.86475 6 13 -6.42717 6 15 2.65401 6 18 5.92378 6 21 -3.54604 6 22 2.77861 6 24 -1.79056 6 26 5.54354 6 32 3.6086 6 34 1.3024 6 35 -2.21035 6 37 3.03942 6 39 -6.21102 6 40 -1.02261 6 43 -4.73784 6 50 -2.78937 6 52 5.38394 6 56 3.43951 6 63 -4.84282 6 68 -4.21093 6 81 -0.636007 6 86 -3.65885 6 87 4.64224 6 94 3.18512 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 7 row indices for layer 7 with mu + alpha values 7 1 -0.73687 7 40 -3.5179 7 44 -4.48798 7 72 -1.68254 7 74 -3.42679 7 79 -2.8693 7 113 -4.78265 7 157 5.34042 7 159 0.618093 7 231 -4.37153 7 252 -4.648 7 270 -5.00351 7 276 -2.96178 7 282 -3.62251 7 329 -3.65329 7 342 -3.19823 7 349 1.21642 7 361 -3.43994 7 393 -5.20784 7 510 0.747698 7 524 -1.97071 7 570 -3.10043 7 581 2.19238 7 586 -1.0741 7 621 -2.16978 7 641 -4.39903 7 650 -6.15621 7 687 1.42664 7 726 -2.36129 7 811 -3.09338 7 816 -4.24714 7 830 -4.50581 7 841 -3.32066 7 851 0.603909 7 862 -2.21326 7 874 -3.21638 7 893 -3.49093 7 998 1.94664 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 7 col indices for layer 7 with mu + beta values 7 4 -2.06013 7 9 2.16158 7 10 -7.50094 7 17 1.62684 7 22 -0.0676206 7 24 -10.4575 7 35 -8.55689 7 40 -4.69062 7 45 -7.14272 7 50 -8.72316 7 51 -0.0524847 7 62 -2.92709 7 68 3.82514 7 71 1.95725 7 73 2.15394 7 76 4.44502 7 80 -0.530606 7 81 -7.39391 7 83 -4.46193 7 97 -0.0825948 7 99 -0.616028 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 8 row indices for layer 8 with mu + alpha values 8 57 2.05376 8 69 -4.20626 8 73 -2.86215 8 83 -3.55284 8 87 -3.51751 8 88 -3.43341 8 97 -0.218848 8 105 -3.1496 8 126 -3.3217 8 132 1.7697 8 153 4.75478 8 156 -3.34525 8 171 -2.93966 8 173 -4.52183 8 195 -2.80913 8 210 -3.82151 8 222 2.85305 8 257 -4.2816 8 262 -3.57139 8 265 -3.90242 8 270 -2.23146 8 299 -4.40215 8 332 -3.01278 8 384 2.38741 8 386 -2.52226 8 387 -4.02374 8 392 -3.59769 8 417 1.75444 8 442 1.58103 8 453 -3.618 8 456 -3.04173 8 487 1.9009 8 513 2.21817 8 525 -4.61167 8 534 1.6574 8 556 2.11449 8 601 1.18197 8 627 2.26102 8 645 -3.16901 8 650 -2.31272 8 653 1.93746 8 658 -3.93443 8 686 -2.76135 8 690 2.53482 8 710 -4.34446 8 715 2.22352 8 716 -4.54521 8 732 -3.70742 8 734 -2.61547 8 754 -2.5321 8 785 -4.33717 8 792 -1.78009 8 857 2.03493 8 892 1.89413 8 936 -3.51876 8 942 3.27902 8 973 2.66609 8 997 -3.18295 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 8 col indices for layer 8 with mu + beta values 8 4 -2.44438 8 7 -3.98976 8 8 -2.51826 8 9 -3.41649 8 10 2.21161 8 14 1.22065 8 17 -1.58569 8 22 -1.20551 8 24 4.09682 8 25 -2.87694 8 34 -1.52614 8 35 0.470919 8 40 2.05248 8 43 -1.94402 8 50 2.29611 8 51 -3.9232 8 55 -1.68214 8 62 -3.16511 8 63 0.371731 8 65 -1.50138 8 68 -1.57605 8 69 -3.6609 8 73 -1.50394 8 75 -3.11387 8 80 -2.84405 8 81 1.5983 8 86 -3.61734 8 93 -3.12623 8 97 -1.76394 8 99 -3.85034 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 9 row indices for layer 9 with mu + alpha values 9 32 -7.62726 9 59 -6.27247 9 106 -7.78599 9 214 -8.32133 9 223 -7.98138 9 231 -5.44735 9 237 -6.22529 9 283 -10.5535 9 475 -7.96684 9 516 -5.403 9 585 -7.51569 9 596 -8.2666 9 637 -6.90869 9 691 -10.0383 9 747 -10.8429 9 770 -6.20504 9 803 -10.3801 9 818 -9.30421 9 824 -6.38597 9 909 -7.20727 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 9 col indices for layer 9 with mu + beta values 9 4 -7.68938 9 11 -5.2386 9 12 -11.838 9 15 -4.90561 9 18 -11.593 9 22 -6.73949 9 26 -10.1683 9 28 -5.7625 9 32 -8.55095 9 34 -8.77141 9 37 -6.13791 9 52 -11.4367 9 56 -5.26045 9 87 -7.07001 9 94 -6.31712 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 10 row indices for layer 10 with mu + alpha values 10 18 -1.31017 10 19 -5.27807 10 80 -2.09516 10 84 7.45934 10 172 -3.74584 10 189 -3.54574 10 222 6.03335 10 224 4.78591 10 226 -2.20145 10 243 -5.2684 10 421 3.81354 10 447 4.85586 10 463 -3.32486 10 477 -4.44821 10 500 5.97273 10 574 -2.9812 10 614 9.48097 10 642 -2.82109 10 659 -2.70072 10 710 -2.8315 10 716 -4.27432 10 746 4.7825 10 751 -2.95286 10 820 -2.67431 10 828 -3.34352 10 912 6.40868 10 973 4.28829 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 10 col indices for layer 10 with mu + beta values 10 11 -4.38166 10 13 5.62358 10 14 -8.3835 10 17 -3.29867 10 21 2.70002 10 23 3.17976 10 24 -4.74798 10 34 3.68067 10 39 4.21136 10 40 -6.66088 10 43 3.56751 10 63 2.91445 10 68 4.87776 10 71 -6.26513 10 86 2.45734 10 96 1.76019 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 11 row indices for layer 11 with mu + alpha values 11 2 3.10423 11 10 -2.03123 11 56 3.62295 11 67 4.3278 11 72 3.56654 11 87 0.9985 11 146 3.87867 11 148 4.63978 11 155 3.59475 11 173 1.08629 11 209 3.26726 11 265 0.842693 11 266 4.37829 11 287 3.09915 11 367 3.85308 11 398 3.06788 11 416 3.11425 11 456 0.81998 11 511 3.52567 11 571 -2.15466 11 595 3.9662 11 596 4.50224 11 637 6.22438 11 645 0.736793 11 658 1.21856 11 661 -2.14454 11 688 3.59693 11 716 2.98633 11 731 -2.39086 11 771 2.38797 11 856 4.23309 11 858 3.21353 11 863 3.87958 11 888 4.31797 11 932 3.52965 11 934 3.73211 11 961 4.80197 11 962 2.70444 11 997 0.495598 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 11 col indices for layer 11 with mu + beta values 11 4 3.86089 11 7 4.65568 11 8 2.54131 11 9 2.25842 11 16 4.10996 11 17 -0.600893 11 22 3.14162 11 25 3.75109 11 34 -2.49619 11 35 3.99887 11 43 3.72031 11 51 7.05915 11 62 6.14664 11 63 0.0438161 11 68 -3.01068 11 69 4.08377 11 73 -2.143 11 75 3.66025 11 80 5.00914 11 86 4.39879 11 93 3.66522 11 97 -3.3779 11 99 6.02777 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 12 row indices for layer 12 with mu + alpha values 12 23 2.69368 12 87 -0.349189 12 96 3.12861 12 109 -2.78103 12 119 4.37077 12 158 -2.88366 12 159 3.2538 12 173 -2.53141 12 203 1.60864 12 211 1.26884 12 219 -2.71257 12 249 2.68752 12 268 4.01265 12 279 -4.72242 12 349 3.58915 12 354 3.8397 12 368 1.70382 12 388 2.37738 12 392 3.80726 12 409 1.48557 12 410 1.05168 12 453 3.15945 12 462 3.23087 12 467 2.17542 12 473 -3.39126 12 478 3.27712 12 485 4.79101 12 526 4.01788 12 529 2.0784 12 586 4.54892 12 596 0.556856 12 606 1.90134 12 623 -2.2846 12 664 2.94925 12 676 3.69937 12 687 3.13061 12 750 4.80544 12 871 3.53526 12 918 2.30455 12 947 2.0101 12 953 1.55067 12 977 1.71655 12 998 4.17104 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 12 col indices for layer 12 with mu + beta values 12 2 1.09429 12 9 1.25827 12 17 1.22394 12 20 2.05405 12 28 3.3941 12 33 1.92329 12 34 -0.465906 12 37 2.35457 12 40 2.10994 12 53 5.79806 12 55 -1.0607 12 62 0.813254 12 63 -0.466619 12 66 0.0111613 12 68 1.47476 12 71 0.832629 12 73 5.20549 12 75 -0.417704 12 76 4.51584 12 78 -0.643439 12 81 5.62878 12 84 1.83848 12 90 2.43166 12 92 5.19107 12 97 -0.266119 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 13 row indices for layer 13 with mu + alpha values 13 49 4.08414 13 57 2.86791 13 91 2.45951 13 170 3.16641 13 191 -4.86129 13 204 -1.04541 13 237 2.98174 13 269 -4.88171 13 276 3.71118 13 313 -2.61449 13 325 -4.64552 13 343 2.99587 13 353 -4.26541 13 544 0.243812 13 573 -3.04953 13 652 3.6877 13 661 -4.1518 13 719 -5.20964 13 731 -2.06222 13 768 -4.01694 13 804 -2.95968 13 846 3.74274 13 878 -4.67583 13 884 3.64324 13 902 -2.73346 13 958 2.79787 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 13 col indices for layer 13 with mu + beta values 13 11 2.56268 13 13 -5.14658 13 14 7.33314 13 17 2.72671 13 21 -3.28053 13 23 -4.41016 13 24 4.13627 13 34 -3.91493 13 39 -4.94925 13 40 6.25473 13 63 -4.47853 13 68 -5.23501 13 71 6.19272 13 86 -3.67984 13 96 -2.64458 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): exit Plaid modeling finished.