Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 1 row indices for layer 1 with mu + alpha values 1 39 -6.60739 1 48 -5.69938 1 92 5.98325 1 95 7.87891 1 121 -6.79717 1 124 -6.10734 1 139 -6.2981 1 141 -5.51877 1 164 5.77323 1 173 -11.1406 1 190 -3.75917 1 205 -5.34829 1 209 -5.0367 1 210 -11.1802 1 221 -6.57104 1 242 -5.56725 1 249 7.47455 1 267 -5.34618 1 279 -6.61163 1 309 -0.753471 1 310 8.39175 1 327 7.21226 1 330 8.00118 1 337 6.9958 1 340 -9.74415 1 353 6.68679 1 354 8.69103 1 383 5.7199 1 398 -4.40585 1 476 -4.31556 1 529 7.78402 1 544 7.22695 1 563 -6.64851 1 578 5.86834 1 606 1.87298 1 635 -5.75445 1 661 6.27989 1 689 -9.94044 1 709 -5.99787 1 718 -5.1995 1 719 -6.35196 1 859 5.99646 1 879 5.75572 1 903 7.38274 1 918 8.60423 1 931 -5.6607 1 944 8.18292 1 959 -4.9295 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 1 col indices for layer 1 with mu + beta values 1 7 5.18751 1 8 -4.98912 1 9 -4.58115 1 13 -3.57965 1 19 2.17245 1 20 4.99502 1 25 -0.320663 1 30 -4.52962 1 34 3.81981 1 36 -5.10112 1 53 2.43043 1 54 -5.21653 1 56 3.21764 1 72 4.41713 1 75 4.41122 1 78 1.78227 1 89 1.25709 1 92 -9.87739 1 97 -4.80858 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 2 row indices for layer 2 with mu + alpha values 2 24 -3.35397 2 148 -5.92001 2 158 -5.04238 2 163 -5.24385 2 165 5.43984 2 196 6.96802 2 200 -4.44474 2 223 -6.78267 2 265 -4.96905 2 273 -5.63857 2 277 -5.65661 2 287 -4.227 2 318 -5.5307 2 351 7.7626 2 369 5.41429 2 416 4.00785 2 458 5.86529 2 470 5.04061 2 475 -5.03345 2 478 -0.54095 2 487 -5.16444 2 506 -3.01007 2 511 -6.27399 2 514 -4.36881 2 577 6.79274 2 597 -4.35902 2 643 -5.43905 2 655 -7.87445 2 664 -3.70885 2 694 -6.39033 2 700 4.2904 2 704 4.4838 2 736 -5.92278 2 759 -4.46635 2 771 -7.99617 2 818 3.49584 2 848 4.82796 2 861 2.72806 2 863 -8.06254 2 909 4.27881 2 912 -4.22838 2 938 -4.87097 2 940 -3.10664 2 956 -3.429 2 976 -7.98163 2 977 6.53746 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 2 col indices for layer 2 with mu + beta values 2 7 -9.73702 2 8 1.02569 2 9 1.28205 2 10 2.1471 2 13 1.70123 2 19 -3.71178 2 20 -4.99184 2 25 -1.79721 2 33 -4.26766 2 34 -5.90534 2 36 3.18036 2 44 -3.24336 2 54 3.73632 2 56 -3.92631 2 65 -1.92231 2 72 -4.46646 2 75 -4.79488 2 79 -0.0583732 2 84 -2.91911 2 89 -2.76522 2 92 5.4267 2 96 -2.78138 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 3 row indices for layer 3 with mu + alpha values 3 8 6.63289 3 24 -8.74215 3 222 -5.61083 3 225 5.89148 3 289 6.47128 3 290 7.28853 3 351 6.94059 3 376 10.9234 3 404 2.22816 3 408 5.26401 3 422 5.94513 3 436 -7.41221 3 464 7.26318 3 479 5.50413 3 483 -6.28722 3 486 -5.1018 3 495 -7.01191 3 534 7.94668 3 573 6.98764 3 637 -4.13757 3 664 -6.30214 3 685 9.3908 3 727 -5.59669 3 737 5.74905 3 774 6.04803 3 844 -5.70528 3 846 -3.4644 3 857 -5.1204 3 877 -5.34101 3 889 6.27511 3 924 -4.71591 3 933 7.03321 3 956 -6.95967 3 998 6.16953 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 3 col indices for layer 3 with mu + beta values 3 1 -4.35718 3 2 -7.56641 3 7 9.46646 3 8 3.43647 3 33 -0.484912 3 34 6.98964 3 44 4.6894 3 45 -4.30172 3 64 -4.26745 3 65 -0.736489 3 69 4.18362 3 73 -3.72231 3 82 -4.33986 3 84 5.53295 3 86 4.8148 3 88 4.33763 3 96 5.54715 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 4 row indices for layer 4 with mu + alpha values 4 1 -5.47028 4 27 -7.5566 4 96 -4.67045 4 146 -1.23981 4 157 2.95507 4 183 3.76118 4 194 4.6589 4 290 -3.93563 4 291 -4.68111 4 378 3.15668 4 452 4.38452 4 464 -4.07075 4 474 4.6277 4 489 4.31553 4 496 -5.82091 4 514 -7.63909 4 517 4.27699 4 518 4.27181 4 526 2.57437 4 528 3.79841 4 553 3.35448 4 557 1.79089 4 570 -3.17462 4 590 -5.36545 4 632 -6.45998 4 645 0.0701186 4 649 -6.20063 4 652 5.32885 4 668 9.36006 4 699 -4.59634 4 726 4.63125 4 759 -4.72994 4 785 3.76735 4 824 3.89565 4 830 -7.17682 4 882 3.60292 4 885 3.18823 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 4 col indices for layer 4 with mu + beta values 4 1 4.09569 4 2 9.25539 4 4 -3.73898 4 12 -2.79007 4 19 -3.66365 4 25 -4.69216 4 26 -4.28088 4 30 -2.33647 4 33 9.08949 4 45 4.30209 4 49 -7.69125 4 63 -5.73003 4 64 6.36445 4 65 6.20564 4 78 -1.83537 4 82 5.18926 4 96 -2.74089 4 97 -5.49722 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 5 row indices for layer 5 with mu + alpha values 5 9 5.46539 5 12 -3.74323 5 25 -3.72077 5 28 3.3793 5 79 -5.1221 5 111 -4.88087 5 130 -3.17771 5 163 -2.39813 5 221 -2.40313 5 247 3.50944 5 273 -2.41392 5 277 -2.75011 5 316 -3.60107 5 322 -2.84231 5 327 -2.26364 5 367 -2.82831 5 382 3.16798 5 432 -4.05197 5 441 -3.27955 5 453 -3.37134 5 475 -0.990606 5 478 -0.916856 5 504 3.40898 5 514 -0.35791 5 594 -3.43912 5 611 2.32365 5 634 -2.68078 5 668 2.95536 5 669 -4.01692 5 707 -4.30298 5 714 -3.27614 5 741 -2.64731 5 756 -2.68701 5 837 -3.05252 5 839 2.01218 5 843 -4.13474 5 872 -2.81258 5 884 -3.8162 5 922 -3.63945 5 931 -4.26382 5 938 -1.42345 5 958 -5.10356 5 980 -5.01551 5 987 -1.02498 5 990 -4.38133 5 999 -4.51699 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 5 col indices for layer 5 with mu + beta values 5 4 2.15636 5 7 -8.76628 5 8 -4.42205 5 19 0.213726 5 20 3.34778 5 25 2.67451 5 26 1.53202 5 30 1.317 5 33 -8.6589 5 34 -6.62776 5 42 -3.15478 5 44 -6.37859 5 49 2.00249 5 65 -3.61833 5 69 -5.82181 5 75 2.31068 5 78 1.65354 5 84 -5.79746 5 86 -5.34415 5 88 -5.35029 5 89 2.0794 5 96 -5.30147 5 97 2.391 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 6 row indices for layer 6 with mu + alpha values 6 14 6.74311 6 35 -4.6818 6 38 4.96487 6 58 -0.0750743 6 68 3.78887 6 71 3.65794 6 73 4.71239 6 122 4.8471 6 125 3.69065 6 131 -4.3246 6 132 -4.23174 6 136 3.25748 6 140 -6.39586 6 171 3.55557 6 177 -3.32081 6 185 5.29417 6 217 -4.95536 6 253 3.90594 6 315 -4.31759 6 336 3.98037 6 401 3.43007 6 412 -4.00209 6 413 -4.59815 6 456 -3.36599 6 466 4.32561 6 468 3.35626 6 555 -3.24218 6 596 -3.78844 6 612 -3.65398 6 619 -5.40405 6 620 -3.69331 6 647 -5.38571 6 654 -3.36456 6 707 -4.5469 6 765 4.21991 6 773 -2.47163 6 799 4.98635 6 846 4.52467 6 851 4.72628 6 852 -3.47415 6 901 -4.4625 6 946 5.59519 6 963 4.74033 6 979 -4.57321 6 985 -4.16175 6 997 -3.32534 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 6 col indices for layer 6 with mu + beta values 6 2 3.12907 6 7 4.98571 6 8 -4.12982 6 9 -3.47499 6 10 -2.44897 6 13 -0.777874 6 20 4.67804 6 25 0.574527 6 30 -2.34155 6 34 4.2831 6 36 -3.86257 6 53 2.5081 6 54 -4.14745 6 56 3.44911 6 75 4.04875 6 78 1.46646 6 79 -1.80212 6 89 2.61808 6 92 -6.85878 6 95 -1.52061 6 97 -3.80637 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 7 row indices for layer 7 with mu + alpha values 7 45 3.3652 7 55 2.75054 7 75 4.47015 7 100 3.31155 7 117 2.58823 7 195 -4.70318 7 210 -0.403523 7 234 -4.37052 7 248 -4.83634 7 259 3.61885 7 271 -4.77788 7 288 -4.3916 7 302 -3.80008 7 350 -4.97177 7 371 3.33749 7 382 -1.21596 7 454 3.74648 7 597 -1.77474 7 599 2.69434 7 611 -1.63982 7 626 -5.80742 7 629 -4.85817 7 671 -4.28859 7 689 -0.63526 7 690 -4.49925 7 702 3.3115 7 704 2.45515 7 779 -4.96553 7 794 -2.51594 7 807 4.48604 7 891 -4.67228 7 892 -3.92038 7 974 -5.90702 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 7 col indices for layer 7 with mu + beta values 7 2 -3.3852 7 7 -5.38982 7 8 2.56998 7 9 2.23399 7 13 -0.49517 7 20 -6.24639 7 25 -1.65435 7 30 2.51944 7 33 -1.27268 7 34 -2.04752 7 36 2.83085 7 49 2.65437 7 53 -3.32435 7 54 3.28373 7 56 -6.81716 7 65 -2.76164 7 72 -5.13874 7 75 -6.96642 7 78 -1.0599 7 89 -4.06177 7 92 4.33034 7 97 4.3186 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 8 row indices for layer 8 with mu + alpha values 8 16 -8.70786 8 49 -8.97907 8 56 -8.33459 8 76 -9.02051 8 89 -6.33069 8 93 -6.69929 8 120 -8.56967 8 161 -7.47417 8 182 -6.55481 8 208 -6.71572 8 265 -6.40999 8 352 -7.15869 8 382 -7.94063 8 393 -7.5464 8 399 -9.3526 8 461 -6.59777 8 476 -7.27914 8 509 -9.37956 8 564 -7.91235 8 568 -6.71341 8 611 -8.40635 8 688 -7.65238 8 718 -9.46991 8 725 -7.29395 8 753 -7.90792 8 794 -7.013 8 855 -7.33342 8 921 -7.21168 8 931 -6.64121 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 8 col indices for layer 8 with mu + beta values 8 1 -7.04964 8 2 -12.2329 8 33 -11.153 8 45 -6.34432 8 64 -7.72296 8 65 -7.57973 8 73 -4.864 8 82 -7.64159 8 99 -4.49673 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 9 row indices for layer 9 with mu + alpha values 9 31 -3.64301 9 60 11.6661 9 205 -1.72147 9 273 -1.67371 9 280 2.04609 9 299 -7.94399 9 301 3.44526 9 429 -1.36878 9 563 -9.59998 9 620 -10.7773 9 645 -8.93455 9 677 -1.61248 9 678 6.90471 9 769 10.3139 9 773 2.88517 9 848 10.4219 9 909 12.9353 9 939 -9.06299 9 942 2.278 9 976 -6.74823 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 9 col indices for layer 9 with mu + beta values 9 1 0.623219 9 7 4.12528 9 8 -1.79266 9 11 0.399525 9 12 0.996925 9 24 -0.342272 9 38 -1.03532 9 39 -0.690294 9 49 -1.251 9 54 0.0463815 9 56 0.660056 9 60 -3.67898 9 65 2.37543 9 79 -0.454964 9 84 1.1317 9 91 -1.54991 9 95 0.275328 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 10 row indices for layer 10 with mu + alpha values 10 7 5.56804 10 29 2.56989 10 31 -5.67782 10 46 2.04178 10 66 1.51166 10 69 1.0638 10 88 3.49955 10 141 0.661311 10 146 3.02182 10 151 2.64088 10 159 -2.74632 10 162 2.26911 10 173 -1.93255 10 184 0.800386 10 192 7.2503 10 205 -4.96423 10 235 1.77736 10 246 3.79286 10 280 2.47221 10 285 -1.76203 10 301 1.40913 10 330 1.57333 10 331 3.0983 10 376 -1.36895 10 470 3.37917 10 544 7.17053 10 551 -1.00021 10 619 -5.96463 10 620 2.30662 10 636 3.0903 10 677 -6.22126 10 734 1.9663 10 773 2.26081 10 808 2.76388 10 840 2.25216 10 850 3.02589 10 871 1.20524 10 891 2.08567 10 903 2.66644 10 960 -3.68834 10 962 2.0575 10 975 -3.08262 10 976 2.0464 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 10 col indices for layer 10 with mu + beta values 10 2 5.23991 10 7 1.86023 10 8 1.67228 10 18 -1.0584 10 24 0.226721 10 26 -1.26789 10 33 6.17216 10 34 2.80174 10 42 -0.042362 10 49 -1.76609 10 57 2.46184 10 60 -0.853096 10 62 0.0615426 10 65 4.49624 10 66 -0.615271 10 73 2.47469 10 74 -1.10739 10 78 -1.60524 10 79 0.0828538 10 82 2.51601 10 88 1.56664 10 92 -0.59064 10 96 2.35404 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 11 row indices for layer 11 with mu + alpha values 11 23 -3.03301 11 28 0.3452 11 45 4.97642 11 87 3.66496 11 88 4.15259 11 148 -2.54775 11 159 -5.30426 11 179 -4.5888 11 289 4.61608 11 361 -3.26901 11 382 2.56317 11 387 -2.22367 11 484 -2.04393 11 511 -2.2945 11 527 5.36998 11 531 3.45187 11 538 3.38194 11 539 3.50676 11 611 2.87809 11 667 2.55988 11 723 2.57726 11 733 -3.32554 11 744 2.88877 11 767 3.70037 11 771 -3.9519 11 784 -3.17411 11 817 -4.48407 11 822 4.11292 11 899 4.47436 11 925 -2.7262 11 975 -1.96046 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 11 col indices for layer 11 with mu + beta values 11 4 0.935413 11 7 -0.520685 11 12 1.48361 11 19 2.84026 11 20 -3.32893 11 25 2.26944 11 26 3.08091 11 28 -1.55188 11 30 1.5363 11 34 0.0693415 11 49 5.95301 11 53 -1.83377 11 55 -2.31291 11 56 -0.883702 11 63 3.01732 11 68 -0.558201 11 72 0.248025 11 75 -1.14872 11 77 -1.61726 11 78 0.834492 11 89 -3.55099 11 96 2.85406 11 97 2.78965 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 12 row indices for layer 12 with mu + alpha values 12 23 -0.744356 12 92 -0.8081 12 118 1.2033 12 120 -3.84541 12 149 0.634636 12 150 3.00993 12 153 3.23577 12 159 1.35479 12 179 0.204764 12 273 -0.446061 12 277 0.810514 12 284 2.46676 12 335 2.83981 12 373 2.66844 12 379 2.22511 12 414 0.292205 12 426 -3.54789 12 429 1.75956 12 514 1.34362 12 533 -3.09053 12 582 2.76832 12 591 2.90399 12 668 3.64873 12 672 1.31614 12 717 -3.38823 12 763 -4.1624 12 776 1.51823 12 794 1.90722 12 807 0.916575 12 839 4.1468 12 875 3.44803 12 925 0.0124201 12 927 2.34272 12 956 1.57719 12 987 3.95343 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 12 col indices for layer 12 with mu + beta values 12 7 3.60113 12 9 1.97599 12 10 -1.66363 12 13 3.63262 12 20 4.59732 12 24 -2.05198 12 33 -2.07552 12 34 3.20806 12 35 -1.23406 12 36 -2.11988 12 49 -3.04843 12 53 3.74815 12 56 4.42054 12 62 -2.37942 12 74 -2.40274 12 75 4.82597 12 80 2.77968 12 81 -1.07677 12 89 4.38739 12 92 3.12809 12 95 -1.56689 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): rowcases 13 row indices for layer 13 with mu + alpha values 13 149 3.69908 13 151 2.71796 13 164 4.32662 13 167 1.27391 13 180 4.8451 13 190 3.06566 13 196 3.26818 13 262 3.35532 13 265 1.02292 13 301 2.70229 13 318 0.890036 13 330 4.01219 13 351 -4.06597 13 423 3.04188 13 471 4.50941 13 472 4.78538 13 473 -2.96525 13 577 2.878 13 667 3.54615 13 687 -2.95799 13 694 0.987847 13 712 -3.39019 13 729 3.5623 13 757 3.92846 13 771 2.68007 13 773 -0.255271 13 811 -2.30919 13 813 -3.31533 13 814 -2.6202 13 833 5.69438 13 845 3.93863 13 848 -4.61036 13 891 2.04045 13 942 5.09234 13 947 -3.63853 13 962 2.83474 13 966 -3.76615 13 976 2.16975 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): colcases 13 col indices for layer 13 with mu + beta values 13 7 5.34543 13 8 0.41301 13 9 -3.319 13 13 -3.37835 13 33 4.54854 13 34 4.69032 13 36 -1.63882 13 44 5.70043 13 54 -2.33253 13 69 3.97055 13 84 4.57683 13 86 4.12081 13 88 2.52038 13 89 -2.66291 13 92 -4.18215 13 96 3.93254 Enter command (q to quit, h for help): Enter command (q to quit, h for help): exit Plaid modeling finished.